Study abroad during high school with Rotary Youth Exchange! Are you a high school student or do you know a high school student who has dreamed about studying abroad as a foreign exchange student? The Rotary Youth Exchange program is a low-cost scholarship program tailor-made for you.
With the Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad programs and scholarships, you will have the opportunity to learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become a global citizen. You can choose a full academic year of high school, or study abroad during a gap year immediately following high school graduation (if age eligible). Regardless of your choice, the Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad program will change you forever.
Qualified applicants must be between 15-18½ at the time of their departure to their exchange country, must be sponsored by a local Rotary club, and should be above average academically.
The Application Process:
The process typically begins during the month of September prior to departure with information sessions conducted by our Rotary District 6510 Youth Exchange personnel. These sessions are intended for both students and parents/guardians and provide information about the application process, expected costs, and how to take the next step.
- Exchanges are for people ages 15–18.5 (You may go on exchange during High School or a "Gap Year" after graduation
- Have demonstrated leadership in their school and community
- Are flexible and willing to try new things
- Are open to cultural differences
- Can serve as an ambassador for their own country
If you are a student or parent of a student interested in studying abroad while attending high school, use the Contact Us form, or send an email directly to: district6510RYE@gmail.com
If you would like to become a host family for a Rotary Youth Exchange student from another country in your home, please send us an email.
If you are a Rotarian who knows a student who might be interested, download our Youth Exchange tri-fold and pass it on along with the link to www.studyabroadscholarships.org. If you are interested in learning more about the program, how your club can sponsor a student (inbound or outbound), or how to participate as a Youth Exchange volunteer, email us at district6510rye@gmail.com or contact the District 6510 Youth Services director.
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www.facebook.com\Rotary Youth Exchange District 6510
Youth Exchange Resources